Welcome note

You are heartily welcome in my website. You can see photographs, news, download and many more here. Though this is a personal one you ca feel free to ask any question at jujubhaimanandhar@gmail.com

Do you know?

1. Bees can fly at levels up to 29,525 feet above sea level – higher than the planet’s tallest Mountain, the mount Everest.
2. In Germany people start conversation in phone telling their names instead of saying hello.
3. The  minor injuries in human eyes gets recovered within 48 hours naturally.
4. Ladies can bear more pain than gents.
5. India have largest number of mosques in the world.
6. Avocados never ripen on trees
7. The letter “A” doesn’t appear in a written number until you reach One Thousand.
8. The US has more millionaires than Sweden has people. There are over 10 million millionaires in the US, whilst Sweden has a population of less than 10 million people
9. In 1386, a pig was executed in France.
10.Turkeys were once worshiped as Gods.The Mayan people believed turkeys were the vessels of the Gods, and honored them with worship.

They were even domesticated to have roles in religious rites!

Copyright © Juju Bhai Manandhar | Design by:- Jubhama Kavreli |